SEOShirts Makes Me A Proud Bruce Claymate!

So, hey, look what I received in the mail today.

Pretty, sweet, eh? Hell yeah it is!

The shirt arrived from my new friends at, a mysterious new custom T-shirt site that’s in the midst of launching, and is all sorts of awesome. I mean, what better way to make a splash in the industry then to mock some of its most well-known figures? It’s link bait as its best.

The site is still growing but already features a myriad of fun SEO-related tees, playing off names like Bruce Clay, Jill Wailin’ (better known to us as Jill Whalen), Matt Cutts, Quadszilla, and others. Sadly, there’s no The Lisa shirt yet, but I’m sure they’re working hard on that.

The disclaimer on the front page tells us that we’re just looking at a skeleton of what’s to come, so I won’t go and whine about how they really need to enhance the usability of their site (it’s not-so-great). Instead, I’ll just focus on how totally awesome the T-shirts are. Especially the ones that poke fun at Jason Calacanis and Mahalo. Huzzah!

So, go reward‘s fine link bait attempt and head on over and take a look and what they have to offer. It’s what all the cool kids are going to be wearing at the next round of conferences. I can’t wait to get my hands on one of those Bruce for President shirts. [I’m dying to get one of the <Rank Me> shirts. –Susan]

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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3 Replies to “SEOShirts Makes Me A Proud Bruce Claymate!”

Thanks for the link love, Lisa! In your honor, a newly-designed “The Lisa” shirt may be on the site soon…

Thats damn good marketing if I were to say so myself. Giving shirts to all the SEO figureheads (I just read Neil’s blog) is very strategic.

You’re not THAT special. Jane and I got shirts, too (uh, not Claymate-related).


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