What Are You Doing To Keep Your Best Assets?

I don’t care if you’re Google, Facebook, Nike, Apple or another one of those brands kids can identify by the age of 5. I don’t care how cool your tool is, how unique your service is, or how hot you are in the industry. Without your employees, you’re nothing. They’re the ones giving you life, making you interesting and keeping you relevant. So what are you doing to keep them happy, interested and on board?

I think I’m getting contemplative in my old blogging age. So much so that I spent some time this weekend going over past blog entries and came across this one entitled Your Employees Are Just Not That Into You. Doing so I realized two things. First, good heavens, I was a snarky little punk back then, [Just back then? –Susan] and second, I think this topic is important enough that it needs to be revisited.

Oddly enough, this post also ties into the earlier post about the power of letting your employees create personal brands and how important it is to hold on to them once they have created a brand that’s getting people’s attention. All your employees are important, and you don’t want to lose any of them.

It’s common for businesses to get caught up in the money and production side of things. It’s about making the sale, making the client happy, growing the company, and becoming bigger and better suited to tackle the competition. The trouble is that no one is paying attention to the employees and their well-being in that process. As I said back in August 2006, sometimes you need to check in and make sure the 30 lbs your programmer has lost is because they just joined a great new gym and not because the chains you’re using to keep them to their desk don’t quite reach to the lunch room. You want to check in occasionally to ensure you’re not killing your employees or taking them for granted.

This may be my naïve side coming out, but I think most employees are inherently loyal. They don’t want to leave a boss or a job that has treated them well or helped them succeed. But they will if they feel like it’s their only way out. In order for you to keep your talent in your organization and away from your competitors, there’s a few common sense things you need to do as a savvy business owner:

Respect Their Talent

ZOMG, stop doubting your own staff! Stop thinking they’re not smart enough, that they’re going to lose your biggest clients, or that they’re trying to sabotage you. They’re not. Trust that you’ve hired the right person for the job and then get the heck out of the way. Your micromanaging and needing to be involved in every decision is only going to ruin the process and make your best talent start eyeing the letter opener and your face. If you want happy employees, give them the freedom to experiment, to get things done without you and to lead their own projects. If you’ve hired the right people they won’t take advantage, instead, they’ll exceed every expectation you had and be overjoyed doing it. The more control you try to exert, the more stifled your staff is going to be. It’s okay to fail; it’s not okay to hinder the process.

Challenge Them

The number one reason I would leave a job is because I was bored. Intelligent people (and sometimes even non-intelligent people like myself) need to be challenged and allowed to learn new tasks and try new things. If you don’t provide them with that, they will find another way. Maybe your SEO thinks it’d be handy to sit with the Design people and see how that works. Maybe your writers should be getting their hands dirty and learning how to implement SEO to become more well-rounded writers. Maybe your SEO Analysts should sit with the Salespeople and learn how that process works. Maybe your star needs a new project that they can dive into. Don’t be afraid to let employees switch things up or do it for them. People like learning new skills. They need to; otherwise, they’ll never grow, and you’ll house many disgruntled people. Disgruntled people like Susan.

Appreciate Them

If you asked ten bosses whether they took their staff for granted, not a single one of them would say yes. But the reality is a lot of them do. Often, companies schedule elaborate company dinners or hand out expensive presents to say “thank you” for their hard work. That’s great, but it’s probably not what your staff is looking for. They don’t need a five-course dinner with the whole audience; they need to know you’re paying attention. Raises are nice, but, at least for me, a simple email or comment about a job well done is worth much more. If you see someone putting in extra hours or doing great things, email them a short email to say thanks. Sometimes, it does make all the difference.

When was the last time you checked in with your staff to see how they were doing and to thank them for kicking the amount of ass that they do? If you don’t know, it may be time to stop in. You don’t want to lose your company’s all-stars because you were too busy to realize they weren’t happy. Your employees are your lifeblood. Treat them right or prepare to lose them.

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FAQ: How Can I Implement Effective Employee Retention Strategies to Keep My Best Assets Happy and Engaged?

Retaining top talent is essential for an organization’s success, and this article by a human resources specialist offers some insightful strategies on how to keep talented employees happy, engaged, and committed to your company.

Understanding the Importance of Employee Retention

Employee retention isn’t just an attractive buzzword; it is a core business success strategy. High employee turnover can be costly in recruitment, training, and loss of institutional knowledge. To implement effective employee retention strategies, you must first recognize your employees’ value to your organization. Identifying your top performers and their unique contributions is the initial step in crafting a successful retention plan.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Employee retention depends heavily on creating a positive work environment that fosters employee commitment. Positive and supportive environments create lasting loyalty in employees who stay with your company. To achieve this, you should:

– Encourage open communication

– Promote work-life balance

– Recognize and reward achievements

– Provide opportunities for skill development

– Create a culture of inclusivity and diversity

These actions boost employee morale and show that your company values its workforce.

Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Competitive compensation packages and benefits are vital to retaining your best talent. Ensure your salary and benefits are in line with industry standards. Beyond the basics, consider offering additional perks such as:

– Performance bonuses

– Flexible work arrangements

– Health and wellness programs

– Retirement plans

– Employee stock options

These incentives will make your employees feel valued and appreciated, reducing the likelihood of them seeking opportunities elsewhere.

Career Development Opportunities

Investing in the growth and development of your employees is a powerful retention strategy. Encourage their professional advancement by:

– Providing regular feedback and performance evaluations

– Offering opportunities for training and upskilling

– Creating clear career progression paths

– Mentoring and coaching programs

– Involving employees in decision-making processes

When employees see a clear path for growth within your organization, they are more likely to stay and contribute their best.

Regular Feedback and Employee Engagement

Finally, maintaining open lines of communication and fostering employee engagement is vital to retaining your top talents. Actively seek employee feedback, listen to their concerns, and address any issues promptly. Regular engagement initiatives like team-building activities, surveys, and recognition programs can significantly enhance employee satisfaction and motivation.

A Stronger Workforce Through Effective Employee Retention

Implementing effective employee retention strategies is more than a responsibility; it’s also an opportunity. By understanding the significance of employee retention and creating an optimal work environment, offering competitive benefits and compensation packages, promoting regular feedback sessions, and encouraging engagement, you can foster an environment where employees feel happy and fulfilled at work.

Adopting these strategies will assist your company in reducing turnover, increasing productivity, and building a more loyal, resilient, and motivated workforce. Your success relies heavily on keeping employees engaged, so employee retention should be paramount.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Implementing Effective Employee Retention Strategies

  1. Recognize and praise employees, particularly top performers.
  2. Foster open communication and work-life balance for an optimal working environment.
  3. Recognizing achievements and rewarding them can boost morale and strengthen motivation.
  4. Foster opportunities for career and skill advancement.
  5. Establish a culture of inclusivity and diversity within your organization.
  6. Ensure competitive compensation and benefits, aligning them with industry standards.
  7. Consider additional perks like performance bonuses, flexible work arrangements, and wellness programs.
  8. Implement retirement plans and stock options to enhance employee benefits.
  9. Invest in career development by providing regular feedback and performance evaluations.
  10. Create clear career progression paths for employees.
  11. Offer training, upskilling, mentoring, and coaching programs.
  12. Involve employees in decision-making processes to make them feel valued.
  13. Maintain open lines of communication and actively seek feedback from employees.
  14. Address concerns and issues promptly to foster employee satisfaction.
  15. Implement regular engagement initiatives like team-building activities, surveys, and recognition programs.
  16. Continuously assess the effectiveness of your retention strategies and make necessary adjustments.
  17. Prioritize employee happiness and engagement as a strategic imperative for your organization.
  18. Recognize that a strong workforce is built on retaining and nurturing top talent.
  19. Monitor employee turnover rates and measure the impact of your retention efforts on business success.
  20. Understand that effective employee retention is a continuous process that requires dedication and commitment to create a thriving, loyal workforce.

This article was updated on December 1, 2023.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (1)
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One Reply to “What Are You Doing To Keep Your Best Assets?”

Good post. I think many business owners, bosses, managers should read this but alas, even if they did they might not get it. When it’s all about the bottom line, employees are usually just a cog in the ever spinning wheel.

Too few companies really “value” their employees and don’t realize the cost of losing someone. If more bosses thought like you do there would be less churn and more productivity.


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