Fixing Multiple SEO Problems Helps a Nationwide Business Stay Competitive

With organic search traffic slipping due to tougher competition, an increasingly local SERP and past link​-spam issues, needed Bruce Clay to ​wield ​a combination of SEO weapons.

SEO case study on Parts

Goals of, a resource for ​locating used auto parts in salvage yards throughout the U.S. and Canada, found the​ir organic search rankings and traffic slipping due to a number of factors. ​They asked BCI to help them:

  • Stay on Page 1 for main keywords, despite growing competition
  • Improve conversion rates for mobile users
  • Increase traffic and revenue from organic search home page

How We Helped

  1. Cleaned up links: In diagnosing why the site was losing Page 1 rankings, we discovered some bad backlinks had been created at the hands of a former SEO agency. Our analysts removed the low-quality backlinks in several rounds of link pruning.
  2. Fixed mobile-friendliness: We ​helped PartsHotlines make their ​parts results pages responsive for mobile users, a critical issue for sales.
  3. ​​Optimized the site for ​money-driving terms: SEO analysts identified additional keyword opportunities for competitive keywords such as “auto salvage yards” and “used part finder.”
  4. Improved SERP optimization: We implemented structured data markup to ​​take advantage of Google featured snippets. We also strategized location-based pages ​that could help compete for local and “near me” queries (not yet implemented).

The very knowledgeable Bruce Clay team has been both instrumental and invaluable in our success in improving our ranking. The Bruce Clay analysts are extremely well versed in the latest SEO practices and have been very responsive to our questions and prompt with their action items. We recommend them highly.

Betsy Finnell and Mike Vande Voort, co-owners

Results for

Our multifaceted SEO services ​reversed the downward trend in rankings, traffic and revenue. In this highly competitive space, improvements have been steady.

  • Regained top-3 rankings for money-driving competitive keywords such as “auto salvage yards” and “used part finder” in Google.
  • Mobile traffic has risen by 4.34 to 13.32 percent each month (over the period May 2015 to present, August 2016), despite a mobile traffic downturn before our engagement.

Want to explore how Bruce Clay’s SEO specialists can help your business recover and grow? Request a conversation or call us directly at (866) 517-1900.

 See more case studies

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Bruce Clay, Inc. | PO Box 1338 | Moorpark CA, 93020
Voice: 1-805-517-1900 | Toll Free: 1-866-517-1900 | Fax: 1-805-517-1919