Bruce Clay Welcomes Mike Grehan to the Family

We are extraordinarily excited to announce the addition of a new Bruce Clay family member, and prepare yourselves; it’s someone you already know.

Yes, today, the always knowledgeable and always charming, Mike Grehan starts in the newly created position of Vice President, International Business Development for Bruce Clay, Inc.

[Susan, did I read/type that correctly? How did we score Mike Grehan? Did we tell him he’d be working with us or did we just kidnap him? Is that who’s locked in the storage closet? Huzzah!] [That’s top secret but I hear it has to do with “synergy” of our “vision”. I think those are code words for “too much of a good thing is AWESOME.” —Susan Yeah, like when you combine cookies and ice cream!]

In his new role as VP of International Business Development, Mike will routinely be let out of the storage closet, but only if he promises to help us further develop and implement the company’s global growth strategy, and help with client services on key accounts. We’re also going to make him assist Bruce in teaching our international SEO training class in Australia, South Africa, the UK and Europe to train search marketers world-wide. Mike has a lot of knowledge and we think he should share it.

Mike joins Bruce Clay with a wealth of experience, stemming from being one of the formative members of the search engine optimization community. He’s held senior management positions at search marketing firms like iProspect, and Think Partnership, Inc. He’s a respected ClickZ columnist, and a sought after speaker at major industry conferences like Search Engine Strategies, ad:Tech, Webmaster World DMA and many other seminars and events including the newly formed Search Marketing Expo.

Obviously, this is great news for Bruce Clay clients and training attendees as it gives you access to two of the biggest search brains in the industry. For me, however, it means I have to go buy more shoes. With Mike helping out with training, it leaves more time for Bruce to roam the office and catch me barefoot. For the twelve billionth time.

I want to reiterate how excited we are to have Mike on board. More than just gaining an extremely talented search marketer, we feel Mike will help us to strengthen our goal of highlighting the importance of search engine optimization globally and the need for quality SEO training abroad. We’ve long been proponents of the need for education and we’re excited by the opportunity Mike offers to us. We hope to raise the quality of search engine optimization on a global scale.

And the quality needs to be raised.

We’ve heard a lot of talk lately about the lack of training available to search marketers in certain parts of the world. Most recently there were accusations that Australian search engine optimization is spam and nothing more. Clearly, this is not the case. Not every Aussie search marketers is out to deceive the engines, but it does highlight the need for increased training in countries and regions where search engine optimization is just becoming a priority. Better training breeds better SEOs. Welcoming Mike to the Bruce Clay family puts us in a better position to address this need.

Our international clients will be able to benefit from the combined experience and know-how of both Bruce and Mike. These search engine optimization veterans have helped the industry grow up into the respected internet marketing form that it is today and the future is just going to be even better. blah blah blah

We know that Mike is an excellent match for Bruce Clay. His belief in search engine optimization training and ethical standards perfectly aligns with our own and we couldn’t be happier to have him.

Welcome home, Mike.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (7)
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7 Replies to “Bruce Clay Welcomes Mike Grehan to the Family”

Congratulations! Quite a team!

Wowsers. Talk about a great addition.
When does Mike visit Australia? ;)

Congratulations all around. That’s quite a coup!

Li & Bill — Thanks! We couldn’t have asked for a cooler addition to the Bruce Clay team.
Jim — You mean Barone Clay Grehan Inc., right?

Wow, congrats all around to all of you–something tells me that there’s some consolitation happening in this industry.

Congrats all around! Sounds like a great Match!
Clay Grehan Barone Inc?

Woot! Wow what a score! :)

Congrats Mike, and to you Lisa you get to work with Mike!

This tops even our news of scoring Bill Slawski to our team!


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