Content Writing and Conversion Funnel Optimization in the SEO Newsletter

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October’s Bruce Clay, Inc. SEO Newsletter has hit the Web and inboxes everywhere, but there’s always a chance you may have missed it. Then I’d have to grieve because my two good friends, you and the SEO Newsletter, never had a chance to get to know each other. And that ain’t happening — not if I have anything to do with it.

With that, I commence with the introductions! Reader, meet October’s SEO Newsletter. Newsletter, meet my beloved reader.

See, that was easy. I bet you two find you have a lot in common, too!

For instance, readers like finding meaty info, unique insights and authoritative recommendations. The newsletter is a big meaty beast of search industry news, insights and recommendations. Now if that’s not a match made in heaven…

Okay, okay. If it wasn’t love at first sight, how about a quick round of speed dating. Newsletter, please tell us about yourself and this month’s articles. On your mark, get set, go!

conversion funnel

SEO and the Conversion Funnel

Online, a conversion is the accomplishment of a goal on your site. A conversion can be anything from the purchase of a product to the download of a whitepaper to the sign-up of a newsletter. Basically it’s any action that represents a goal of your site.

Usually, not every visitor to your site will end up performing a conversion. From entering the site to placing a product in a shopping cart, to entering their payment info, the conversion process can require anywhere from one to many steps and at each step there is a percentage of users who abandon the process rather than continuing to the next step.

Knowing how many visitors make it to each step along the conversion funnel can help an SEO recognize lost opportunities and obstructions in the conversion process. Be sure to tailor each step in the conversion process to the information needs of a visitor in that stage of the conversion. And take advantage of tools, like the Funnel Visualization Report in Google Analytics, that help you recognize stumbling blocks along the path to conversion. Through information and action, an SEO can streamline each step of the conversion funnel and optimize site performance overall.

Writing Great Web Site Content (for Users and Spiders)

Content is what the Web is all about. To attract visitors and impress search engine spiders, your Web site needs good text content and plenty of it. To make your content development goals a little bit easier, we’ve put together these tips for writing good content that can help you create text that’s both readable and rankable for your Web site.

First of all, a writer should consider subject relevance. The Web site should be organized in such a way that search engines can tell what subject(s) it’s about. Each page needs to be focused on a particular topic to boost that page’s relevance for a related search query. The Internet was built on this information-sharing model, and it’s still the best way to establish trust and relevance in the eyes of users and search engines.

A writer must also write for the audience. Whom do you want your Web site to reach? This is worth some serious thought and research. Look at your current customer list and try to spot demographic or interest commonalities. Do you see similarities in age, gender, education, occupation? Define as much specific information as you can about your target audience. As you consistently build your Web site content, your subject relevance will grow. Your effort will be rewarded with higher Web site rankings and more satisfied, relevant, site users.

And the newsletter didn’t even hint at all the news bites included inside, like upcoming events, industry kudos, insider rumors and previews of the SEM Synergy podcast. I mean, just take a look at… guys? Guys?

Okay, I can take a hint. Time to leave you two alone. ;)

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

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