Google Will Sell Performics, SEOs Exhale

Exciting news from The Official Google blog today that reveals Google will stop scaring SEOs everywhere and will sell off Performics, the search marketing company that they accidentally acquired when they bought DoubleClick last year. To avoid the conflict of interest that comes when you’re a search engine selling search engine optimization services, Google will split Performics into two companies – an affiliate marketing company and a search marketing company – and then sell the search marketing half.

Google, FTW!

Google is already getting props from Danny Sullivan, Shoemoney and Donna Fontenot for the decision and really, it was just the right thing to do. Google’s already freaking people out by owning nearly the entire online advertising market; they don’t need to be dipping their toes in SEO on top of that.

Here’s a snippet of what Google had to say:

"It’s clear to us that we do not want to be in the search engine marketing business. Maintaining objectivity in both search and advertising is paramount to Google’s mission and core to the trust we ask from our users. For this reason, we plan to sell the Perfomics search marketing business to a third party. We believe this will allow us to maintain objectivity and the search marketing business to continue to grow and innovate and serve its customers."

Google notes that they haven’t yet found a buyer, but that they have had partners show interest. I’m sure now that the official word is already out, interest will skyrocket.

Way to go, Google.

While we’re on the topic, it’s worth mentioning that the New York Times reports that Google will be laying off about 300 DoubleClick employees as they prepare to merge the two companies. Google hasn’t yet confirmed the number, but we do know layoffs are in the works.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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