How’d He Do? Score Bruce’s Predictions for SEO and Internet Marketing in 2012

UPDATE 1/21/13: Thanks to all who helped score Bruce’s predictions. You can find the results in the January 2013 SEO Newsletter.

Calling all online marketers! We need your input to get a good picture of what happened in the Internet marketing industry last year. We’re hoping you have a minute to grade Bruce’s predictions from last year.

SEO fortune cookie
The SEO Fortune Cookie says: “You will predict the year ahead with 68.725% accuracy.”

Every year Bruce reads trends and past events to forecast the Internet marketing industry in the year ahead. Predicting major happenings in the search marketing industry for the year to come is a fun tradition we do every year.

But now it’s time to get critical and see how accurate he was. Will you score Bruce? Did you see these predictions play out, or were they in the ballpark or total misses?

We’ll be publishing Bruce’s final scorecard for his 2012 predictions in the SEO Newsletter next week and can use all the graders we can get. We’d be grateful if you could share this survey with your networks, too. :)

Check out all of Bruce’s 2012 Internet marketing industry predictions published in the January 2012 SEO Newsletter.

Select all the answers you agree with for each of the 6 questions below.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (4)
Filed under: SEO
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4 Replies to “How’d He Do? Score Bruce’s Predictions for SEO and Internet Marketing in 2012”

I’ve updated the post with the results. :)

Good to read about this, what about this year’s predictions?

Hi Virginia,

I must admit that seems to be interesting research. will follow the close up. Please let me know a lot to on email and I will come back soon for my comments. Happy New Year to you and your families.

On the whole, I thought that his predictions seem to be correct. Particularly about several different online marketing disciplines merging with one another. That, and the climbing importance of content, as anchor text seems to be getting the slow but sure boot.


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