Show Me the Money: SEMPO’s Newest Salary Survey, Out Now

Editor’s note: For more recent statistics regarding salaries in the digital marketing realm, see our 4 Hot Digital Marketing Jobs and & Salary Data post!

Ever wonder what other professionals in the SEM space are making in relation to you? Looking for a good baseline salary because you’re applying for a job or looking to get into the industry? Wanna make sure your company or agency is offering competitive wages? These are all good reasons to promote and participate in the 2010 SEMPO salary survey.

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The last salary results published by the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization was the “2009 In-House SEM Salary Survey Highlights,” which collected data from 22 questions answered by SEM professionals ranging from entry-level analysts to directors and beyond from 10 states nationwide and five Canadian provinces.

The organization’s last salary survey focused on SEM agencies was back in 2008. With the growth of agencies in the industry over the past couple years, now is the time for another survey, and this new SEMPO salary survey measures both in-house and agency criteria in the same 20-question analysis.

SEMPO’s salary surveys have always produced great data, giving information that tells a story beyond just salary. Data from respondents show such things as what the primary focus of the professional’s work is, what team he or she is a part of within the organization, what type of benefits are important if salary requirements are not met (2009’s in-house survey from SEMPO showed “telecommuting” as the No. 1 benefit – surprise, surprise) and more.

Once the newest salary survey results are published, we might also be able to gauge how the economy has affected the salaries and roles of search marketers nationwide. And for this survey, national and international respondents are welcome.

All responses are anonymous and persons taking the survey can request a free report summary. The survey will run through November 1, and results are expected to be announced in January. So take the SEM salary survey and spread the word (it’s short and sweet) – the more you do, the more data we can collect for SEMPO to give an accurate sampling. We owe it to ourselves and the industry!

Jessica Lee is the founder and chief creative for bizbuzzcontent Inc., a marketing boutique that focuses on digital content strategy and professional writing services for businesses.

See Jessica's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (2)
Filed under: SEO
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2 Replies to “Show Me the Money: SEMPO’s Newest Salary Survey, Out Now”

It’s nice to see what in-house SEO salaries are. It would also be interesting to see what the average costs for consumers are with respect to acquiring SEO services; are the costs going up?, staying the same? or going down? I suspect they are declining a bit.
Thanks Jessica for this article and the links within :-)
Andy :-)

Great idea for new data, Andy! Have a good weekend.


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