SEO Favs, Personal Branding & BC Housekeeping

What’s Your Favorite Search Engine Optimization Task?

Tamar Weinberg alerted us to the conversation going on at WebProWorld where SEOs are talking about what they love about search engine optimization. Aw, it’s like a giant hug fest over there! I want to play.

My favorite thing about search engine optimization is being able to write keyword-rich copy for clients’ Web sites and then watching those sites gain rankings. I know the upward motion has a lot to do with how our smart our analysts are and our clients’ ability to implement the changes we set out, but sometimes, late at night, I like to pretend that it was my ability to write smart, keyword-rich content that helped that client to rank better. For me, SEO copywriting is really challenging. I can come to the blog and rant and ramble and be my adorable self, but when I’m writing and representing someone else, that’s a huge responsibility and I take it very seriously. I very much enjoy being able to write something from scratch, weave in keywords, and help customers to find the stuff they’re looking for.

I know this will sound way dorky, but I also like the feeling that I get when a client puts content that I wrote up on their site. I almost feel like I’m part of that site, their community, and the larger Internet as a whole. Okay, I’m going to stop before I start talking to plants about their feelings.

What’s your favorite part or task related to search engine optimization?

Building Your Personal Branding

If there was one lesson I took from BlogWorld, it was the power of personal branding and the responsibility that bloggers have to reach out and expand their communities. That point was drilled into my subconscious so hard that I’m still having dreams about it. And now, even though I’m back in California, it’s still following me. Yesterday, Blog Herald called networking the most important blogging skill, while Neil Patel (who was at BlogWorld and didn’t tell me…jerk) says it’s now who you know, it’s who they know.

The moral of the story is that for a blogger, if there’s anything as important as your ability with the written word, it’s your ability to network and continually expand the reach of your blog. Personal branding is something we should all start becoming more serious about, even if you’re not a blogger.

As the Internet is becoming increasingly more connected, it’s time for Internet marketers to start thinking about the brands and relationships they’re creating online. Your site can’t exist in a vacuum. That ginormous, comprehensive Web site you created five years ago can no longer stand on its own. It has to become part of a greater community and in order to do that, you have to become part of the community as well. So stop being antisocial and go make friends and target your customers where they live on the Web.

Most UK Businesses Still Not Investing in Search Engine Marketing Services

A recent ClickZ article reports that 62 percent of small businesses in the U.K. are not investing in search marketing, despite knowing about the search engine optimization tools available to them and that 76 percent of those doing so report an increase in sales.

So what’s with the hesitance?

I’m not sure. Maybe business owners think it’s too hefty of an investment or maybe they’re working with CEOs who don’t understand all the benefits a search engine optimization campaign can bring; either way they’re missing out. As Peter Scargill, IT chairman for the Federation of Small Business, said:

"It is absolutely vital that small businesses realize the importance of investing in search marketing. Creating a Web site is absolutely pointless if no-one can find it.”

Amen, brother. If you’re a business owner in the UK, the United States or living in the back woods of New Zealand, it’s time wake up to search engine optimization. Don’t count it out just because your competitors are missing the boat. Their loss is your gain.

Attention BC Blog Readers: 4 +3 = 7

Have something to add to the conversation we’re having on the blog? Super! Click on [comments] button and leave yours. But before you hit post, make sure you answer the spam protection question. No, I’m serious; you have to fill in that little box with the math question. If you ignored the question, your comment will go straight to the spam folder and I won’t see it. And though I do my very best to go through that folder regularly and move stuff into the approved list (coughPatcough), it may take a day or two and we don’t want to silence you for that so long. So, answer the math question (Tip: The answer is 7) and help us see your comment.


Fun Finds

Interesting. The boss of Warner Music finally admitted he was wrong for declaring war on customers. Hmm, you think?

Marshall Kirkpatrick alerted me via Twitter yesterday that there was a new Ze Frank video up on That’s right, my Internet boyfriend has returned to the Web. Huzzah! So go check him out.

If you’re a touch bored today, you can head over to Mozland give the Mozzers job titles. I worked up a few for Rebecca Kelley but I’m not allowed to write bad words on the blog…

Oh, and the SEO Newsletter will be arriving in inboxes on Thursday. If you’re not subscribed, why don’t ya go ahead and do that now. ;)

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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One Reply to “SEO Favs, Personal Branding & BC Housekeeping”


We have matching favorite things about SEO. I also enjoy writing with the voice of the companies we are working with, introducing them to new perspectives and weaving in the keywords chosen by our SEO team. The most rewarding aspect is celebrating the victories with our clients.

Happy SEOing!


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