SEOs and SEMs, Take Care of You and Yours

Care Bears by John Trainor
Photo credit John Trainor via Creative Commons

I want to ask you to do something. It’s simple but complicated at the same time. It’s easy to say but hard to do. It’s worth the effort, nonetheless.

Please take care of yourself. Take care of your customers. Take care of your company.

I’ve watched a lot go down this last week. Friends have lost their jobs. Loved ones are ill and some have passed. Homes are on the verge of being taken away. While tomorrow marks a new day in the country’s history, today is the saddest day of the year.

It’s Blue Monday — an unofficial designation which takes into account the gloomy weather, mounting debt, failed New Year’s resolutions and sinking motivation levels that all converge this time of year. You’ll notice as part of the equation, however, a factor that doesn’t seem to fit into the same category as the others, and that is the desire to take action.

It’s hard to gauge success until after it’s gone — be it in a personal relationship or a professional one. I want to thank Dave Snyder, a respected search marketing and social media pro, for sharing the experience of keeping his personal and professional needs balanced and the adaptation that was required to do so. Dave saw a change he wanted to make and took action. When facing dismal revenue reports or a shrinking client numbers, it’s up to you to take action.

The squeeze is on to cut the fat from company expenses, and no one wants to see their services fall into that category. I’ve said before that an important part of surviving the recession is keeping customers happy and making customer satisfaction the top priority. It’s been reported that acquiring new customers can cost up to five times more than retaining current customers. Can you afford to chase new customers at the expense of neglecting of your current ones? Take the necessary action to keep the love alive in your client relationships.

The mantra “Yes we can” has been bandied about for the past year. Tomorrow we’ll see what everyone hopes will be the seeds of change being sown, and there’s never been a more desperate need. Your company may not yet be so desperate, but the worst thing you could do in this economy is to be complacent with your relationships.

Take responsibility for your actions. Don’t assume good things will come your way without effort. And go the extra mile to show people you value their business.

It’s time to start waving a new banner. Yes we care.

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

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One Reply to “SEOs and SEMs, Take Care of You and Yours”

Sweet! I’m excited for this next year. I may have less material things but I have work, friends and family. And a new puppy :)


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