#SMX East 2013: Liveblog Schedule and Where to Find Bruce Clay

With 62 live sessions, two keynotes, six hands-on workshops, and three social soirées, the SMX East search marketing cup overfloweth with opportunity for education and networking. Have you seen the New York agenda yet??

east13_sponsorAs a content writer who not only wears, but is incredibly tickled by, her Matt Cutts Debunking Flowchart Search Engine Land t-shirt, I’m pretty excited to be liveblogging the event with co-wordsmith Virginia Nussey. After some back and forth, we’ve managed to split the agenda down the middle; from mobile search trends and global search to Google Glass and structured data – we’ll be there absorbing it all. Click here to jump down the page to the full Bruce Clay, Inc. liveblog agenda.

If you’re going to be attending SMX East, and feverously eating cookies with Matt Cutts (and me!) in the Expo hall – why not stop by and feverously eat a cookie with Bruce Clay? Here’s where you can find Bruce:

How to Meet with Bruce and the BCI team at SMX East 2013

If you’re attending the conference, let’s connect. Here’s where we’ll be next week.

  • If you’re getting into town Monday, have a drink on us! BCI co-sponsors the Meet & Greet Monday September 30th from 6:00-7:30pm. Let’s meet, talk siloing, swap agenda plans, and, of course, drop cookie crumbs more or less all over the Expo hall floor.
  • October 1-3 the team will be stationed at booth #414 in the Expo hall. Visit us and enter to win a free seat in our 3-day SEO training course in Simi Valley, CA. We’ll also have discount vouchers good for $400 off the cost of our 2013 three-day SEO training. So stop by!
  • Register for the SEO Workshop on Monday, September 30 for a search optimization intensive training course lead by Bruce Clay. This workshop includes ample time for one-on-one questions and is designed to equip you with a comprehensive and fundamental understanding of SEO. Plus, you can deduct the cost of the workshop from our full SEO training course in Southern California if one day isn’t enough. These hands-on workshop spaces have a history of filling up quickly, so act sooner rather than later to avoid missing the boat.
  • Bruce will be hosting two SMX theater sessions. Join him at 12:00pm Tuesday October 1 in Theater A for a discussion about new SEO Tools, and again the next day (Wednesday October 2) at 12:20pm in Theater A for a session on advances in PPC tools and services.
  • For a quick Bruce encounter, make sure to be on time for the Maximizing Enterprise SEO session (#31D) on Thursday October 3rd at 9:00am.
  • Finally, if you haven’t registered for SMX East yet, do it now and save yourself 10% with discount code WS-BC10.


SMX East 2013 Liveblog Schedule

Day 1: Tuesday, October 1

Time SMX East Session Blogger
9:00 a.m. Penguin-proof Link Building Chelsea
9:00 a.m. Trends in Mobile Search Virginia
10:45 a.m. Life Beyond Google: Diversifying Your Digital Marketing Chelsea
1:30 p.m. Increase Your Global Search IQ: Compete Smarter and Rank Better in International Search Virginia
3:30 p.m. SMX Boot Camp: Search Engine Friendly Web Design Chelsea
3:30 p.m. Glass Act: Search Marketers Talk Google Glass Virginia


Day 2: Wednesday, October 2

Time SMX East Session Blogger
9:00 a.m. Keynote Conversation: Richard Alfonsi, Twitter Virginia
10:45 a.m. Prioritizing Your Search Marketing Efforts Chelsea
10:45 a.m. Top Social Tactics For Search Marketers Virginia
1:30 p.m. Structured Data Superstars Chelsea
3:30 p.m. Authorship: Step-By-Step & Troubleshooting Virginia
5:00 p.m. The Coming “Entity Search” Revolution Chelsea


Day 3: Thursday, October 3

Time SMX East Session Blogger
9:00 a.m. YouTube: Optimization Tips For The Second Most-Popular Search Engine Chelsea
10:45 a.m. Google & Bing Keyword Tools: The Next Generation Virginia
10:45 a.m. Conversation: Where’s SEO Going In 2014? Chelsea
1:00 p.m. Conversation: Where’s Paid Search Going In 2014? Virginia


Chelsea Adams Brooks is a long-distance cyclist, aspiring cob house builder, schema/analytics/algorithm obsessor, and a former senior content writer at Bruce Clay Inc.

See Chelsea's author page for links to connect on social media.

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