Social and PR Practices That Support SEO for Beginners

Man holds bullhorn to amplify his voice, bees buzzing around him.
Getting your name and your content out there is no easy feat. But doing so can not only enhance your SEO program but also your business’s brand and revenue.

It’s simple: More interest = more traffic = more sales. So, if you’re ready to get serious about generating buzz about your company and its web content then read on for basic steps with press releases you can take right now.

In this article:

Press Releases: Building Brand, Buzz and SEO

Press releases, when used for the right purpose like public relations, can raise brand awareness and communicate important information about products or services.

When used the wrong way (like for link building), press releases can get you into hot water with search engines like Google.

Press releases are especially valuable if they get picked up by the media and are included in a journalist’s article. Media exposure can do a lot for a website and a business.

On the other side of the spectrum using a press release in a spammy way is a no-no. In Google’s spam policies, under “Link spam,” press releases when done poorly make the list of spam practices:

“Advertorials or native advertising where payment is received for articles that include links that pass ranking credit, or links with optimized anchor text in articles, guest posts, or press releases distributed on other sites. For example:

There are many wedding rings on the market. If you want to have a wedding, you will have to pick the best ring. You will also need to buy flowers and a wedding dress.”

So, when you do create press releases, there are some important things to consider. Mainly, you want them to be written for public relations, crafted well with journalistic integrity and incorporate SEO best practices.

8 Best Practices for Press Release SEO

Here are eight things to consider as you tackle press releases as part of your marketing plan:

  1. Only issue press releases that are truly newsworthy. That means avoiding sounding like an ad or overpromoting the company, products or services too much. Ask, why will people care about this? What would a journalist look for in this story?
  2. Take the format, spelling and grammar as seriously as an editor will. Write in AP Style as that is the style that journalists write in.
  3. You can include keywords within your press release and you might consider putting those in within the first 200 words. But it must be natural and don’t use hyperlinked anchor text or it might come off as spammy.
  4. You can include up to three links in the body section of your press release. These links should point back to your website, and they should give the user more in-depth information on the topic at hand. You can also use the primary link back to your site’s homepage with your company name as anchor text, or a link back to the website below a plain text company name, with the URL as anchor text.
  5. Get to the point and be concise. Leverage statistics, quotes, photos and videos as needed.
  6. Send the press release out through a reputable third party. is a reputable service but there are others.
  7. To build a good cadence of buzz around your company, consider issuing press releases any time there is news. Try to issue something at least once per quarter.
  8. Archive all your press releases on your website as well in a newsroom. You want visitors to your site to be able to read up about your company while they are on there as well. Here is some information on how to create a good online newsroom. Of course, from an SEO perspective, you will want to be sure the structure is sound as well. That means the proper URL structure (for example[press-release-name].)

14 Ideas for Press Release Topics

Running thin on ideas for press release topics? Here are 14 to get you started:

  1. Launch of a new product or service
  2. Events (in person or online such as webinars)
  3. A merger or acquisition
  4. Special deals
  5. General company announcements or website news
  6. Contests
  7. Awards
  8. New hires (especially of notable persons)
  9. Announcements about new partners
  10. Innovations in research and development
  11. Financial results (if not bound by an NDA)
  12. New executive appointments
  13. New regulations or company policies that can be publicly disclosed
  14. Any customer success stories that aren’t bound by NDAs

For more on this topic, check out: How to Write a Press Release That Entices Media.

Generating buzz takes time but with these simple steps, you can get the word out about your company and your website content to support your SEO goals.

Our SEO content solutions can amplify your website — and your brand — in the search results. Contact us for a free consultation and let’s discuss how we can accomplish your SEO goals.

FAQ: How do I write an effective press release that captures media attention and boosts SEO?

Press releases are extremely valuable, but you have to get them right in order to attract media buzz. Media attention can do wonders for your SEO and your business.

Let’s go over the key things to do and consider as you develop an effective press release.

Write a compelling headline: Headlines are the first thing readers see, so they have to be captivating enough to grab their attention. Use strong and impactful words to make a strong first impression.

Start with a concise introduction: The first paragraph should be short and concise. Give a brief overview of what it is you are announcing. Make sure to include the essentials: the “who, what, where, when, why and how.”

Focus on newsworthiness: Journalists want stories that are timely, unique and relevant to their audience. Explain the significance of your announcement and highlight why it matters to readers.

Use quotes effectively: Quotes from key stakeholders can improve your press release by adding credibility and a human element to it. But don’t just throw any quote in — quotes must provide valuable insights, opinions, thought leadership or other supporting details.

Provide valuable information: Additional details, context or background information goes in the body of your press release. But make sure these details are relevant to your announcement and support your story. For example, you could include quotes, statistics, background history, or industry insights that make your press release stand out.

Optimize for SEO: Press releases are a lot like webpages — their search engine ranking goes up for when you incorporate keywords into them. Use variations and stemmed versions of your keywords to expand your reach even more.

Include multimedia elements: One of the best ways to grab the attention of journalists and readers is to include images, videos, or infographics. These visual elements make your press release more appealing and increase its shareability on social media.

End with a compelling call-to-action (CTA): Press releases are effective when readers respond with action. End your announcement with a strong CTA. For example, you could direct people to visit your website, register for an event, download a file or resource, or contact your company for more information.

Follow these tips as you write your next press release. They will help you attract media buzz and improve your SEO.

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. Research your target audience to find out their needs, challenges and pain points.
  2. Find media outlets to submit your press release to.
  3. Identify what’s unique or newsworthy about your story/announcement.
  4. Write a strong headline that is interesting and grabs attention. Include relevant keywords.
  5. Start your press release with a short and informative introduction.
  6. Provide key details and supporting information in the body.
  7. Use quotes from senior management or other key stakeholders to add to your story.
  8. Optimize your press release for SEO by including target keywords and variations in the text.
  9. Make your release stand out with multimedia elements like images or videos.
  10. End with a clear call-to-action that tells readers what to do next.
  11. Proofread your press release to catch typos and grammatical errors.
  12. Submit your press release to target media outlets. You may also want to try using a press release distribution service like EINPresswire.
  13. Follow up with journalists in case they missed your announcement.
  14. Track the performance of your press release with analytics tools. Most distribution services provide press release performance data.
  15. Amplify your press release by promoting it through social media.
  16. Stay current with the latest press release writing best practices.

These techniques will help your press releases leave a lasting impression on journalists and readers.

Bruce Clay is founder and president of Bruce Clay Inc., a global digital marketing firm providing search engine optimization, pay-per-click, social media marketing, SEO-friendly web architecture, and SEO tools and education. Connect with him on LinkedIn or through the website.

See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (4)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent SEO posts is better than the last!

4 Replies to “Social and PR Practices That Support SEO for Beginners”

Understanding the synergy between social media and PR is key for beginners delving into SEO. Engage audiences authentically through social channels, amplifying your brand’s voice and fostering relationships. Leverage PR to earn credible mentions and backlinks, boosting your site’s authority and SEO rankings. Consistent, strategic integration of these practices enhances visibility, trust, and ultimately, organic search success.

Excited to dive into this! As a beginner in SEO, understanding the synergy between social media and PR practices sounds like a game-changer. Can’t wait to learn how to leverage these strategies to boost my website’s visibility and enhance its search engine ranking. Thanks for sharing!

Great read! Your blog post on social PR practices supporting SEO for beginners is a real eye-opener. It’s fantastic to learn how leveraging social media can directly impact search engine optimization efforts. Your insights provide a solid foundation for beginners looking to boost their online presence. Thanks for sharing your expertise!

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