Pubcon Liveblog: New Mobile Behavior and Click-to-Call Strategies

Learn how to enhance your mobile marketing strategies and PPC campaigns with click-to-call extensions (and why they matter so much) as Jason Spievak (CEO of Invoca) and Daryl Colwell (Senior Vice President, Matomy Media Group) take the Pubcon stage to talk mobile search advertising.

Jason Spievak: Mobile Changes Everything

Jason Spievak
Jason Spievak

Mobile is the default platform for both consumer and business interactions.

It’s not that the path to purchase has migrated to the smartphone. It’s that it has evolved entirely.

More than 30 billion calls occurred to businesses in the past year. You can’t understand how business is performing unless you can connect the online media source that drove them.

Click-to-Call Enhances Your Campaign in 3 Ways

  1. Drive immediate action through click-to-call. Make it easy for customers to reach you through their preferred channel. 47% of mobile users will explore other brands if there is no phone number associate with the business’ search results (Google Mobile Playbook 2013).
  2. Improve Customer Experience. Stop pushing forms.
  3. Use Data. Don’t optimize on assumptions. Use real data. Know the ads, keywords, and landing pages that are driving calls.

Daryl Colwell: Back to the Future with Pay-Per-Call Marketing

Daryl Colwell at Pubcon
Daryl Colwell

The average American consumer spends 34 hours a month browsing the Internet on a mobile device (source: Direct Marketing News). By 2018, mobile search will drive 73 billion inbound calls to advertisers (source: BIA/Kelsey).

Old vs. New Media: Inbound Calls

Google is extremely concerned with how users experience mobile – Google asks you to rate a phone call after placing it through a click-to-call.

Back to the Future: What Worked Then Works Now

In classified ads, for example, you see features, benefits, and phone number. The clients and needs are the same – the method is different. Now we put that same information in a PPC ad.

Why Getting Leads Via Calls Matters

Phone calls have a higher payout than traditional lead generation. It’s a small “real estate” investment for a big return.

There are 30-50% conversion rates on a call.

In order to track your calls, give your media partner a unique phone number for consumers to call. Then you can identify all the calls that your call extensions are driving.

Advertiser Benefits of Leads Generated Through Call Extensions

  • Cost effective
  • ROI Focused
  • 100% connection rate with interested and engaged consumers
  • Consumers who dial in are further along the sales funnel
  • Higher transparency into lead (call) quality

Kristi Kellogg is a journalist, news hound, professional copywriter, and social (media) butterfly. Currently, she is a senior SEO content writer for Conde Nast. Her articles appear in newspapers, magazines, across the Internet and in books such as "Content Marketing Strategies for Professionals" and "The Media Relations Guidebook." Formerly, she was the social media editor at Bruce Clay Inc.

See Kristi's author page for links to connect on social media.

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