Ask Us Anything! New Bruce Clay Video Series Answers Your Digital Marketing Questions

Digital marketing is tough. Anyone who wants to improve a website and raise its visibility in search knows that.

As a marketer or business owner, you have to make about a zillion decisions for your website along the way to prominence and profitability.

Naturally, questions come up that you need help answering. And you might not have the luxury of an expert at your beck and call.

Since articles and experts abound in digital marketing, it’s hard to know what answers to trust. That’s especially true with SEO questions.

Advice you find around the web may be conflicting, outdated, or just plain impractical.

So for marketers who are trying to figure out how to do search engine optimization, content marketing, PPC, search engine marketing, or social media marketing on their own, we would like to help clear up the confusion.

Announcing our new “Ask Us Anything” video series on YouTube!

Bruce Clay Ask Us Anything Video Series
Get answers from knowledgeable BCI team members (pictured: Bruce Clay and Virginia Nussey)

To answer your digital marketing questions, we’re launching a new video series.

Do you have a question about SEO, PPC, content, social marketing, or the intersections between them?

We invite you to submit your question here:

Answers You Can Watch

To prime the pump so to speak, we filmed answers to some of the questions that we hear from blog readers, clients, and students in our SEO training courses.

Visit the Bruce Clay, Inc. YouTube channel and you’ll find many videos already queued up in our Ask Us Anything playlist!

Samples of Q&A topics that are ready to watch include:

Everyone Appreciates Answers that Get to the Point

Brief is best when it comes to video answers.

You might be struggling to decide a particular optimization issue. For example, should you use heading tags in your navigation menus? Yes or no?

When you’re unsure what to do, it can hold up your projects. At times like these, you just need a best-practice answer.

That’s why we keep the “Ask Us Anything” videos focused and brief. (Here’s that answer, in case you’re curious.)

Each video answers a specific SEO or digital marketing question in about two minutes. According to one commenter, the short length is the best part:

“I’ve watched every one of your AUA vids. I like that you keep them short and have multiple people answering Q’s. Keep ’em coming…”

When you submit a question, we will:

  1. Quickly determine whether it’s something we can answer. (We don’t guarantee we’ll answer every question.)
  2. Choose the best person to answer it — from Bruce Clay himself to the many experienced, knowledgeable members of our team.
  3. Film away!
  4. Notify you by email if we post a video that answers your question.

The main goal of our “Ask Us Anything” videos is to provide reliable answers to SEO questions and other issues facing digital marketers.

Helping you understand the best practices better means that you can do your job more efficiently — with better results.

We hope you enjoy watching, learning, and getting your questions answered in our new video series!

Please subscribe to Bruce Clay Inc.’s channel and watch all of our video answers. And go ahead: Ask us anything!

See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (40)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent Digital Marketing Optimization posts is better than the last!

40 Replies to “Ask Us Anything! New Bruce Clay Video Series Answers Your Digital Marketing Questions”

Why don’t you do ask us anything anymore?

Robert Stefanski

Hi Frank,

We are still producing Ask Us Anything videos! The latest one is “What’s the best way to repurpose old content?” We’ve posted it on our YouTube channel here:

AUA videos are a benefit of joining our new interactive SEO training platform Members have access to all of the AUA videos on demand at any time. Learn more about here.

The design of a website is where digital marketing optimization begins. It takes a lot of planning to build a great content-rich website. A skilled designer employs online architectural design principles, carefully balancing information delivery and intuitive navigation to meet the needs of visitors while achieving their own fame or fortune goals.

Hi Bruce. You and your team never fail to amaze me when it comes to delivering great content and useful information.

This is very interesting series.

This is very interesting series.

Thanks for sharing such an informative resource here.

Should we have to provide focus on organic link building still?

Is this ongoing or over?

Paula Allen

Hi Tushar – We are still accepting AUA questions and producing video answers. So ask away!

Hi everyone,
I am working for a company in Viet Nam. But I have many chanllenges about Digital Marketing, I am a new staff. So can you tell me what is the essential element of a marketer?

Its interesting because what one think (have a doubt) is there in the blog in answer. So inspite of writing questions i personally feels grateful of Bruceclay. Thank You for sharing the valuable & informative blog.

This video series is a great idea. Never enough content creators talking about online marketing strategies. Thanks Bruce!

The design of your site implies color scheme, format, text organization, and many other little contemplations. It needs to look great, however, it additionally must be pragmatic and simple to utilize. We make it a priority to find out about our customer’s needs, preferences, dislikes, and any thoughts they may have for the website before making a blueprint for development.

I had a question about SEO using video and voice search

thanks for sharing good information please tell more about seo off page

This is just awesome.!

Thanks, Bruce for sharing the video guides.

I am into digital marketing and faced some issue related to the indexing of unwanted pages in Google SERP, but after I watched the video by Mr Bruce about “How Do I Get Rid Of Extra Pages in Google Index” I was able to remove such pages from the SERP. Also shared that video on my social media channels.

Paula Allen

AdWordsWise: We’re excited to hear how our video helped you overcome that indexing problem. Thanks for sharing your results and also for sharing our Ask Us Anything series!

Hey Bruce and team, this is a great resource for some of the most commonly asked SEO questions. These videos are so underviewed!! Keep up the great work, it’s keeps the industry learning moving forward.

Paula Allen

Lee: We appreciate your support! We’re committed to this project, so you can expect more in the future.

Wow.! I had a question related to search featured snippets before coming to this article and after I watched the video, I can say that getting featured in Google SERP is not that difficult, we just have to play with the content.

Thanks, Bruce for sharing.

hi, nice information is given in this blog. Thanks for sharing this type of information, it is so useful for me. nice work keep it up.
“Ask you anything video series” is so impressive.

Yeah, you are right Digital Marketing is very tough. Thank you, admin, for sharing the series of Bruce clay for Digital marketing. I sure I will subscribe to your channel.

Hello Bruce, in relation with Digital Marketing what tactics could you do suggest if I have an upcoming site and I want people to know about it and read it and also why do I need to have Digital Marketing when it comes to having an online site.

Hi Bruce,

I have a question: Will updating Google Plus page become obsolute now when GMB posts are getting more used? Maybe we should just concentrate on GMB posts and just leave Google+ page as it is?


Thanks Bruce that’s an amazing idea and will help lots of people
you Guys ROCK . Thanks

Hi Bruce. I want to know is website organic traffic growing in year 2018?

This blog is really amazing. You have done all this work and you are offering it for free. It just an amazing, this tips are exciting and give the result. Bruce, you are a genius and you help a lot of people by providing correct and right information from your blog.

Nice update, This way anyone can clear their doubt about SEO marketing.

Did you guys face any google algorithm hit?

I totally agree, digital marketing is tough but thanks for the valuable tips and it will surely help.

Digital marketing optimization starts from the design of a site. To construct a great content-rich website takes planning. A competent designer uses online architectural design principles, carefully combining information delivery and intuitive navigation to satisfy the visitor’s needs while accomplishing their own business goals for fame or fortune.

I have been an avid reader of your blog and now I will also be able to get amazing video content. Thank you so much.

Digital marketing video series? Yes, please. This is a great idea because I feel most of us have the same questions but often find confusing or even conflicting answers. You mentioned SEO, and I am aware that what worked back in 2015 may hurt my blog in 2018, but for a beginner, it’s very difficult to find the answer that is relevant. Video series are always easier to follow, at least for me.

Hello Bruce, you always rocking with your ideas. which are very helpful to us. Next time I will ever have a doubt about digital marketing I will soo excited to ask you in the video session. Thank you.

Paula Allen

Jacwan: Questions always come up, so feel free to ask.

Thanks for this series. Now We will learn from SEO pro.

Hi Bruce. You and your team never fail to amaze me when it comes to delivering great content and useful information.

Thanks for sharing such a useful resource here.

Paula Allen

9Series: We hope this is helpful to many people. Remember, you can submit questions for this video series too!


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