Google’s Product Review Algorithm Update: What You Need to Know

Google’s product review update rewards webpages with useful content on products.

On April 8, 2021, Google announced a ranking algorithm update aimed at webpages with product reviews. On April 22, Google completed the rollout of the update (though there still could be some lingering effects). Here’s what you need to know.

Product Review Algorithm Update: What Is It?

Google’s product review update rewards webpages with better rankings in its search results that provide useful content on products. Google explains in its announcement:

… we know people appreciate product reviews that share in-depth research, rather than thin content that simply summarizes a bunch of products. That’s why we’re sharing an improvement to our ranking systems, which we call the product reviews update, that’s designed to better reward such content.

Google goes on to say that:

Although this is separate from our regular core updates, the advice that we provide about producing quality content for those is also relevant here. The overall focus is on providing users with content that provides insightful analysis and original research, and is written by experts or enthusiasts who know the topic well.

Google’s search liaison, Danny Sullivan, clarified on Twitter what type of product reviews it will impact, including single reviews and roundups:

Sullivan clarified another question on Twitter as well: Will the update impact service reviews, too? The answer could be yes.

Product Review Algorithm Update: Who Does It Impact?

For now, the update only impacts English language reviews, but as with any update, that can change in the future. Sullivan again clarified in a tweet:

Practically speaking, this update will most likely impact product affiliates since most product reviews contain some type of affiliate links. Webpages with “thin content” product reviews will be the most impacted negatively, while product reviews that provide in-depth information will be rewarded.

Search Engine Land published a report that showed that while the product review update had a big impact on many, it was not as big of an impact, per se, as a core algorithm update would be. That report has all sorts of interesting charts and data related to who was impacted the most, the ranking outcomes, and more. It is worth a read.

Product Review Algorithm Update: My Opinion

There have been many core algorithm updates but fewer updates specific to a feature or market segment.

I sense that this product review update is designed to discourage affiliate sites that simply state the specifications, add a pretty picture, throw on a few comments from users, and call themselves a review site.

Taken further, thin content could even apply to many of the so-called “best of” websites. Obviously, that would change a lot of things for SEOs. How far the update could go is vague at this time.

While some firms spend a ton (as in millions of dollars) writing reviews of products (such as and — neither a current client of ours), they invest heavily and so deserve their rankings.

Personally, I would appreciate seeing thin, slap-it-together content sites vanishing.

My advice is to not rely on user-generated content and weakly acquired review links as your business model.

Google: Creating Better Product Review Content

Google says that the same general advice it gives here on content applies to webpages with product reviews as well. That advice includes tips on how to assess quality, expertise, and presentation.

It’s not a bad idea to better understand how to create quality content for “your money or your life” webpages, too, since products would fall under that category. You can read more about that starting in Section 2.3 of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines.

In its announcement, Google also linked to a help file on providing better product information for shoppers and a list of questions to consider when creating your product review content.

So product affiliates beware: If you are going to list product reviews on your website, make sure they are crafted with expertise and quality and are extra helpful in assisting potential customers to make an informed decision.

Need assistance in understanding how to rank in Google? We provide a variety of SEO consulting and services to meet each client’s specific needs. Contact us for a free consultation.

FAQ: How does the Product Review Algorithm Update by Google impact search result rankings for product reviews?

Google’s recent Product Review Algorithm Update has sparked curiosity among digital marketers and website owners. Google’s algorithms have been enhanced to more accurately assess product reviews appearing in search results, providing users with more reliable and precise information. This update should improve the relevance and quality of product reviews appearing in search results.

Examine its key elements carefully to fully grasp how this update will alter product review search results. The update prioritizes in-depth and insightful content over shallow or promotional reviews. This means that product review articles that offer comprehensive information, such as hands-on experiences, detailed comparisons, and unbiased analysis, are more likely to secure higher rankings.

Furthermore, the update emphasizes the importance of expert authorship and credibility. Product review articles authored by recognized experts or enthusiasts with a history of delivering reliable content are favored. Google’s algorithms now consider the reputation of the content creator, adding a layer of authenticity to the evaluation process.

Website owners and content creators can leverage this algorithm update by focusing on several key strategies. First, crafting in-depth and experiential product reviews that provide value beyond what can be found on manufacturer websites is essential. Incorporating real-world usage scenarios, highlighting pros and cons, and including original images or videos can significantly enhance content quality.

Second, emphasizing the author’s expertise through clear author profiles and relevant credentials can boost a review’s credibility. Building a reputation as a trustworthy source within a specific niche can positively impact search result rankings.

Google’s Product Review Algorithm Update shifts toward more informative and reliable product review content in search results. By adapting to the update’s criteria and aligning with user intent, businesses can strengthen their online presence and establish themselves as authorities in their respective domains.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Navigating the Impact of Google’s Product Review Algorithm Update on Search Result Rankings

  1. Understand the Update: Familiarize yourself with the details of Google’s Product Review Algorithm Update and its objectives.
  2. Review Your Existing Content: Evaluate your current product review articles to identify areas for improvement.
  3. Prioritize In-Depth Insights: Create product review content that offers comprehensive insights, detailed comparisons, and hands-on experiences.
  4. Unbiased Analysis: Focus on providing balanced and unbiased analysis rather than solely promoting products.
  5. Enhance Visuals: Incorporate original images and videos to enhance your reviews’ visual appeal and value.
  6. Highlight Pros and Cons: Present products’ positive and negative aspects to give readers a well-rounded view.
  7. Expert Authorship: Establish yourself or your authors as experts within your niche through clear author profiles and credentials.
  8. Build Credibility: Develop a history of reliable and accurate content to boost your credibility as a content creator.
  9. Research User Intent: Understand the search intent behind product-related queries to tailor your content accordingly.
  10. Long-Tail Keywords: Incorporate relevant long-tail keywords naturally to capture specific search queries.
  11. Mobile-Friendly Layout: Ensure your content is optimized for mobile devices to cater to a broader audience.
  12. Structured Data Markup: Implement structured data markup to provide context to search engines about your review content.
  13. Internal Linking: Link your product review articles to related content within your website to improve user navigation.
  14. Engage with Users: Encourage user engagement through comments and responses to build a community around your reviews.
  15. Regular Updates: Keep your product review content updated with the latest information and insights.
  16. Monitor Analytics: Track the performance of your product review articles using analytics tools to identify trends and opportunities.
  17. Adapt and Iterate: Continuously adapt your content strategy based on user feedback and changing search trends.
  18. Collaborate with Influencers: Collaborate with reputable influencers or experts to co-create content and expand your reach.
  19. Promote on Social Media: Share your product review articles on social media platforms to increase visibility.
  20. Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated about further algorithm changes and industry best practices for optimal results.

Bruce Clay is founder and president of Bruce Clay Inc., a global digital marketing firm providing search engine optimization, pay-per-click, social media marketing, SEO-friendly web architecture, and SEO tools and education. Connect with him on LinkedIn or through the website.

See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (5)
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5 Replies to “Google’s Product Review Algorithm Update: What You Need to Know”

Olivia Pintolia

Hi there
I have often wondered how accurate and true the reviews on Amazon are after a friend mentioned that I should not rely on them as a lot of them were fake.
I found your site after I decided to do some research:
Shockingly, I also found a recent report on an Amazon supplier who leaked data through an open server – it is apparent the supplier gives a full refund directly to their PayPal account if the user leaves a 5-star review.
See the full report here:

I am sure most people like me are being scammed by these reviews! Please add to your page to make more people aware!
Stay safe

Ryne Landers

Hi Bruce, you mentioned specifically to “not rely on user-generated content” and I was curious about whether you had any data on eCom sites with user-generated product reviews being impacted? According to Glenn Gabe, he has data from several sites that shows user-generated reviews were impacted, and I have a very large eCom retailer that has seen tremendous shake-ups right around this time (peaking in April then 50%+ loss in May) and a sharp decline in Reviews and Discovery placements that aligns with Glenn’s notes. However, per John Mueller (English Google SEO office-hours from April 9, 2021), the update didn’t specifically target those types of reviews. So, is this an issue of unintended consequences and you have some data that might validate that? Or is it an intended outcome and maybe John Mueller was not 100% up to speed in his notes on the open call? Would love to be able to validate some of what we’re seeing and make some concrete recommendations.

Quality is very important no doubt

Thanks for updating me about this.


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